Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

Glamorous Eccentric: Lady Gaga

Ok, ok, I can feel you rolling your eyes. But bare with me and let me explain my fascination with Lady Gaga.

For those of you who don't follow pop culture, Lady Gaga is the newest 'Pop Princess' on the scene. She came out with her first album, The Fame, last year and her first 3 singles have all made it to the Top 40, making her the third artist in history to achieve this feat, and her first two singles made the top 10 highest digital downloads of all time.

I became interested in Lady Gaga when I started to workout again and was looking for some good dance songs to listen to while on the treadmill. Well let me tell you, from the first time I heard 'Just Dance', her first single- I was hooked. I immediately watched all of her videos on YouTube and I found her persona fascinating. It was like she was a combination of Donatella Versace and Madonna all wrapped up in one tiny blond, crazy dancer. And the fashion. THE FASHION! She is bonkers. Totally off her rocker. She lives her whole life as one big act of performance art. Seriously. Her. Whole. Life. Check this out:

Those two pictures are from two different interviews with the media. I mean hello? She is wearing a Kermit the frog coat and hat. For real. I think that is totally rock star. Here are some more beauties:

But here is the thing: she can actually write music and perform beautifully- unlike say Britney Spears. Check out her talent:

It might not be your cup of tea, but you have to admit, she has talent.

The other thing I like is how she puts the press in their place. She is an incredibly sexual, strong woman and the press is always asking her the stupidest questions and she handles them like a rock star:

But the reason I love Lady Gaga is because she truly inspired me to follow this path of glamour that I have decided to take. I guess if Lady Gaga can wear a dress made out of plastic balls, then I can wear a lovely dress from the 1950s. If she can put herself out there, then I can too.

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