Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Glamorous Eccentric: Dita VonTeese

You all must have known that Dita would be the number one glamorous eccentric, didn't you?

What can I say about Dita that you don't know already? Dita was born an old soul, always loved vintage clothing and especially vintage lingerie, was dancer who became a glorified stripper, and is now the most main-stream person wearing vintage clothing. If that isn't an amazing story, I don't know what is.

I think Dita is refined, elegant, eccentric, glamorous, and above all, an individual. She styles herself, including hair and make-up. Word on the street is she will have a beauty book out around the holidays (and I, for one, can't wait!). She was married to whats-his-name, but is now dating Count Louis Marie de Castelbajac. I happen to be a member of her website, and it says that she is visiting her beau's castle this weekend. I mean can you imagine? *sigh*.

Here are some of her amazing outfits:

(I tried to find ensambles you might not have seen before)

For some reason I am obsessed with what Dita wears while flying. I guess it is because air travel is the most uncomfortable thing to do that has paparattzi around (the number one horrible thing is standing in line at the DMV, but there are no paparattzi to be seen at the DMV)and therefore I can find a ton of pics of Dita in her 'most casual'. Here are a few:

Here are two more pics of Dita in her 'causual' clothing:

I could go on for hours about Dita and her amazing fashion, but I will leave it here. Sufficet to say that I adore Dita and her wardrobe, and I find her to be a good 'spokeswoman' for the vintage lifestyle.

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