Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

Fall Essentials: Accessories

(via my vintage vogue)

Today is our last day of fall essentials. I am sort of sad to see it go. But the good news is, now that we have gotten the basics out of the way, I can go find exciting non essentials that we all want but we don't really need.

There are a few rules that I live by when it comes to seasons- I don't wear straw hats or carry straw purses after October (when the weather cools down here in Southern California. Labor day is way too early for us- it is still hot until Halloween). I also don't wear gloves until after October, unless it is unseasonably cold before October. Those are not real rules like 'no white shoes after Labor Day', they are just my own little missives that I live by.

I also find accessories to be a very personal choice. Are there really any essential accessories (excluding shoes)? But I found a few items I think are really great and will last a lifetime due to their classic designs.

Lets start with the Kelly purse.

After the Sex In The City episode where Samantha tries to buy the Hermes Berkin bag all I saw was Berkin this and Berkin that. Well I have always been a Kelly girl. I adore it's classic shape and smaller size. In theory I want a real one, but I think I would feel like an ass carrying it around. I mean, I am a housewife for cripes sake, not Gwyneth Paltrow. But I don't mind having one that is inspired by a Kelly bag. For example:

Kelly Purse 1

Kelly Purse 2

Kelly Purse 3

I think any of these options would be perfect for fall.

Moving on, I found a few fun jewelry pieces.

Glass Beaded Earrings

Vintage White Earrings

White Pearl Ring

I think these are a twist on the classic pearl earring or ring. They are elegant, classic, and timeless. They would also look stunning with your own set of pearls. You do own a set, don't you?

1930s Seed Pod Necklace

Vintage Bakelite Bracelet

Of course not everything can be black and white! So the above are two examples of fun jewelry that are perfect to start your vintage collection. The necklace is fun and whimsical, and the bracelet has enough color to make a pop with your outfit, but is simple enough to not scream 'look at me'!

Last, I wanted to show you a few examples of hats that are very similar to the caps I wore when I was first starting out with wearing vintage.

Satin Bow Felt Topper

Vintage Cap With Feather

Stunning Vintage Topper

The first two hats fit close to your hair, so they don't stand out too much. They are also very feminine and elegant- perfect to get your feet wet with wearing a hat. The last hat I put in for the ladies who often wear hats because it is amazing! So Dita- I just couldn't resist.

I leave you with a picture I drew of how to put together two outfits from what we have been discussing all week. The pants outfit is the jumper from Anthropologie with the Able Grable blouse underneath. The skirt is a pencil skirt and the sweater is from Fast Eddies Retro Rags. The shoes are from my 'shoe porn' post. This is pretty much how I expect to be dressing this fall:

And remember, you only have a few more hours to enter the giveaway! I will be picking a name at random some time before noon PST. Good luck everyone!

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