Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

Grocery Shopping With The Glamorous Housewife

(via flickr)

When I first started this blog I wanted it to be about the three things I enjoy most: cooking, fashion, and decorating. I used to have posts all the time about cooking, but recently I have had no food posts. This is due to the fact I am completely uninspired at the moment to cook. I still feed my family, but I consider it warming up rather then cooking. But my family is tired of the boring dinners, so I am trying to get my inspiration back up. To that end, I have planned the meals for next week and thought I would post to see if I can inspire anyone else going through a meal rut. As a reminder we are mostly vegetarian (we eat kosher fish occasionally).

So here are the meals as follows:

Sunday: Fake Chicken Caesar Salad Sandwich with Fruit Smoothies (kids eat fake chicken nuggets, salad, and the smoothies)

Monday: Fake Meatball Sandwich with Salad (kids eat plain pasta, fake meatballs, and salad)

Tuesday: Fajitas with Beans and Rice (kids eat the beans and rice and cut up melon)

Wednesday: Mooshu Fake Chicken with Rice (kids eat fake chicken nuggets, rice and veggies)

Thursday: Blue Cheese 'Burgers' with Tator Tots and leftover veggies or fruit (kids eat normal 'burgers')

On Fridays I make a large fancy meal for my extended family and friends while we celebrate Shabbat (the Jewish sabbath). That is a whole other can of worms, and I will try to post the menu on Thursday.

If I have time I will be sure to post each meal, including recipes for the week. They are fantastic for vegetarians and meat eaters alike. I can also give hints on how to make each meal for one or two people. So even though pretty much all of you are here to see the fashion, I hope you will also enjoy the cooking.

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