Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Deep Thoughts: You Are What You Wear?

After blogging all week about my favorite glamorous eccentrics, it got me thinking about what it means to be an individual. Do you think those women were born different or do you think it was a calculation based on response? Or a combination of both?

I mean, do you think Dita would be as popular as she is if she dressed like Paris Hilton (ie: slutty), or do you think because she dresses so elegantly it elevates her dances from stripper to performer? Do you think Lady Gaga would have made it so big so fast if she dressed like Jessica Simpson (ie: boring). Do you think the fact she dresses so provocatively helped blast her into stardom? Do you think if Jessica Simpson started to dress in haute couture it would elevate her stardom or would it seem like a ploy?

I guess what I am getting at is, do the clothes make the woman, or does the woman make the clothes?

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