Senin, 16 November 2009

My Personal Nightmare

Ladies, I am freaking. out.

So I have mentioned that I am supposed to be moving to Chez Glamour tomorrow. Everything is packed and I am ready to go.

Turns out, not so much.

The city wont give us our occupancy permit.

That means they wont turn on the gas so we would have no heat, hot water, or the ability to cook on the stove. Not kidding.

So for the past three hours I have been begging bureaucrats to please do me a favor, but to no avail.

So we are still going to move 90% of our stuff, just not our beds, kitchen, or clothing. And of course the tv and computer. We will be living like this for at least THREE WEEKS! Can you imagine!

The problem is our electric meter has not been installed, and for reasons I won't go into, it is going to take 30 DAYS! So the earliest they can get it to us is late in the 1st week of DECEMBER! I am so frustrated that all I can do is laugh.

So unfortunately, I wont have any great pictures of the place for a while. I don't even know if I will be able to decorate for Hanukkah. My poor husband is beside himself. I just feel so bad for him- he can't change plans very easily and he had his heart set on moving in tomorrow.


Well, at least we know we will be all moved in someday, and be thankful that at least we still have a place to sleep. Some people are not so lucky.

I think I will donate some money to a homeless shelter, because I see now how easy it is to suddenly be without a home.

Thanks dolls, for listening.

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