Rabu, 04 November 2009

I Need A New Computer

At the moment I am using a leased computer from my old company that I REALLY need to return. So I am on the lookout for a new computer and I need some advice. I want to get a laptop and it HAS to be a Dell. I use the computer for internet, photos, photoshop, illustrator, and I like it to be FAST. I don't use it for music or to store movies.

I am also thinking of getting a separate laptop for my kids (ages 7 and 5)and my husband (age 43). My husband is basically a luddite so he doesn't use the computer very often. I am thinking of a Mac because we have had problems with the boys accidentally clicking on things that give us viruses. I also heard they have excellent child features to keep anything unsavory from them.

Do any of you ladies have any advice for me? Does anyone have a Dell laptop they love? Any links to cool 'skins' so I can decorate? Anyone know anything about the new Microsoft software? I heard that Vista was all kinds of messed up, does anyone know anything about that? What about the best computers for kids? Any experience with Mac laptops? I would really appreciate any information.

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