Minggu, 29 November 2009

I Defeated The Monster!

Last Wednesday I woke up to find my computer has been infected by an evil virus.

So, after yelling at my children (who accidentally downloaded said virus) I proceeded to try and remove the spywear.

I began with Malwarebytes- a virus removal system I had downloaded months ago. I thought it would do the trick and I could go on with my day, but I had no luck with it! It kept telling me that nsrbgxod.bak and calc.dll couldn't be deleted, but would be quarantined on reboot.

Ok fine, so I rebooted.

Virus wasn't eliminated.

I tried again (mind you it takes at least 30 minuted to run a scan every time).

It said the same thing.

So I rebooted again.

Same problem.

So this time I thought I would download a different program. I used Spybot this time. It took me a while to be able to download, because the virus would cause my internet to go to weird advertising sites instead of the site I was trying to get to.

Spybot got rid of a ton of stuff on my computer, but not the two spywear viruses that were causing all the random sites on my internet.

By now it was Friday. But I was bound and determined to successfully kill this sucker. I had to use my IPhone to search how to destroy this specific virus. After much searching, I found that downloading Microsoft Security Essentials (a free program from Microsoft) finally solved the problem!

Then it was shabbat and I don't post from Friday night until Saturday night.

So that is why I didn't post last week! I am so sorry for the delay, but I was busy fighting a scourge on my computer system. So I hope you all had wonderful Thanksgivings and I look forward to catching up with all of your blogs this afternoon.

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