Senin, 15 Juni 2009


When I was a little girl, I used to imagine my way out of the monotony of chores. If I had to spend the day cleaning my messy room, I would dress up as Cinderella with a long skirt, and apron and imagine I was the put-upon princess. This would make cleaning my room so much more delightful because it was one thing for me to HAVE to put my toys away, but another thing entirely to be a long suffering princess who would one day find her prince by loosing a shoe. Plus my mother could then be thought of as the wicked stepmother who was forcing me to do her bidding. My mom STILL chuckles at the memory.

As I grew older, my imagination never failed. I studied costume design at Boston University and would often give speeches in the shower thanking the Academy for my best costume design award. I would hold the shampoo bottle in my hand and thank all the little people in my life. (Then I got married and had two little boys and realized that I could either be a good mom or a good costume designer, and I chose to be a 'good' mom.)

Then, a few years ago, I decided to create a line of boy's clothing. Having two adorable little boys, and a background in design and manufacturing, I figured it would be a fun way to make some money. Unfortunately, the economy went to crap and with it went my fun little company. But when I was there, sketching designs, picking swatches, and fielding emails from blogs wanting to write about my company, I would pretend I was just one step away from Dior or Chanel.

Now I am back at home as a housewife and mother. And though I love not having the pressure of deadlines, I have found my life to be a bit on the boring side. So once again I have decided to put my imagination to good use and add a bit of glamour to my pedestrian life. I have always loved vintage clothing and the allure of the past- hence why I studied costume design. I have always loved to cook and be a hostess and put on a faboosh dinner party, which I do about once a week. And I love to read blogs- I find it fascinating to see how other people are living and what they are interested in and what they are doing with their days. So that is what inspired me to start my own blog: I thought maybe someone out there might have a passion for the vintage lifestyle,cooking,manners, mothering, and how to run a household.

So, without further ado, I am going to start this blog and maybe, just maybe, I can find other moms who are interested in putting a little glamour into their lives.

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