Minggu, 27 September 2009

Yom Kippur

Tonight begins one of the most holy of all the Jewish holidays: Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement. We are supposed to fast and pray starting at sundown tonight until one hour after sundown tomorrow.

Yom Kippur starts ten days after Rosh Hashana. During those 10 days we are supposed to reflect on our past year and figure out what we did right, and what we did wrong. If we know we did wrong then we have to ask the people we wronged for forgiveness, and if we wronged g-d, then Yom Kippur is the big day to ask forgiveness. We wear white and fast to be 'like angels' and as a sacrifice. Another thing we are supposed to do is not wear leather shoes. This is the only 'good' part of the holiday in my opinion- because I get to wear flip-flops to temple! I also don't wear makeup, wear perfume, deodorant, or colored nail polish! I know! The horror! Some people also don't brush their teeth, but a girl can only get pushed so far before she crumbles and my line is drawn at the brushing of the teeth!

So the whole day is spent being hungry and praying at the temple. I enjoy being at the temple with all the other Jews, talking, praying, etc. It is kind of nice to feel like part of something beyond oneself. But the fasting is not fun. I mean, we are not even supposed to drink water!

So if any of you are Jewish then I hope you have an easy fast, and to all the others- enjoy your food tomorrow and think of me as you are noshing on that amazing breakfast, lunch and dinner!

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