Selasa, 08 September 2009

I Hate Monkeys

Here is a little known fact about me: I detest monkeys. Yes, I know, monkeys are 'so cute'. Not. Have you ever met a real monkey? They are disgusting creatures that smell bad and steal your glasses. I know this opinion isn't going to win me any popularity contests (everyone seems to just adore monkeys. I mean hello- Paul Frank has a whole career built around one drawing of a monkey). But why am I telling you all this? Well, I seem to keep stumbling over monkey fur coats! Take a look:

This coat is made out of 'goat hair'(that looks exactly like monkey fur) by Miu Miu and will cost you a cool $2,250. But why spend that much when you can get:

This real monkey fur vintage coat for only $630?

Or what about

This coat which is even less expensive at $478!

If real fur isn't your bag, never fear! The Glamorous Housewife has something for you as well:

This faux monkey coat is vintage, cruelty free, and will only set you back $135. Such a deal!

So, if you are looking for King Kong chic, here are four choices for you to go bananas with. Get it? Bananas? Ha!

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