Minggu, 13 September 2009

I Seem To Have Lost My Mojo!

Well kittens, last week was a crappy week. I lost my mojo on Tuesday and pretty much did nothing for the whole week. I am not sure where my mojo went. All I know is, I was just not feeling it last week. I didn't want to do anything- post, eat, shop, nuthin. Oh sure, I got up and got dressed- I even put together some really cute outfits. And then I took zero pictures of them. I cooked dinners, but there was no passion behind them. I even cleaned out my car thinking it was the mess that was bringing me down. Turns out my car is now immaculate, but my mojo wasn't hiding in there.

But after wallowing for almost a week, I am trying to get back up to snuff. The kids are back in school, and that is a HUGE relief. I love having my kids home, but I also enjoy 'my time'. And 'my time' means 'your time' because I usually write my posts when the kids are at school.

One thing that was keeping me from posting last week was the 'theme of the week'. I am finding it to be burdensome. Kind of like homework- something I have to do, not something I want to do. So for the time being, I am going to stop the themes. I still have a ton of ideas for posts, so don't worry about that! I just might not be posting quite as often or at regular intervals. Once I get used to the new schedule, things will get back to normal on Tales Of A Retro-Modern Housewife.

Thanks dolls, for understanding.

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