Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

Back to Work

It was a gloriously beautiful weekend in New York! The sun actually shone so I spent most of it out of doors and away from my computer. I also got to see my friend and designer Grant K. Gibson who was in town for a wedding. But now it's back to work.

Usually, I am the one answering design questions but today I have a question for you. One of my clients loves the look of the wall covering in the above photo and wants to use it in their entry. It's a metallic tea paper that was available at the Roger Arlington showroom which unfortunately has gone out of business. I've been to many places and have found papers that look similar but so far nothing exactly the same. Someone suggested Donghia which I plan to check out on Monday but if anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know. Merci!

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who left suggestions and advice today! I found out that although the Roger Arlington showroom has closed at the D&D building, the company is still in business. They also have a website, www.rogerarlington.com which doesn't come up on Google searches for some reason. You can call them in New York at 718-273-4500. What I like about their paper compared to the others I checked out today is the asymmetrical squares and multi-tonal quality. You can see the brochure on it here which shows all the sizes. Once I receive my sample, I can show you the difference of all the papers. Thanks again!

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