Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Deep Thoughts: Why Do Women Let Themselves Go?

The other day Super Kawaii Mama had an amazing post on why women let themselves go. She has five main reasons for this decent into sweatpants and t-shirts, and I agree with all of them. It is an excellent post and you should all read it- even if you are only 16 or 22 or you don't have any kids- because at some point, either because of illness, or weight gain, or some other reason, it could happen to you. How do I know this? Because it happened to me.

I have been interested in fashion since I was old enough to understand what playing dress-up was. I was always putting outfits together and making dresses for my Barbies and getting into my mother's makeup. I NEVER thought I would ever stop wearing makeup or gain weight or swap tennis shoes for my beloved heels. But then I had a baby. And then I had another baby. And then I gained 20 pounds. And then I started a company and 'didn't' have time. And ever so slowly I lost my way.

I am sure you have all heard the story of a frog that jumps into a boiling pot of water and then jumps out because the water is too hot, but is then placed in a pot of cold water with the burner on low and the frog doesn't notice the subtle temperature changes and ends up boiling to death.

Well that my friends is how you end up letting yourself go. It isn't one drastic step where one day you are glamorous and amazing and the next day you are in tattered leggings and an old high school sweatshirt. No, the decent comes from tiny little decisions made each and every day.

But there is good news. You can change the downward spiral at any time. All you have to do is choose to change. And this decision will be as if you suddenly realized you were swimming in a pot of boiling water! You can choose to work out and loose those pounds you gained. You can choose to buy a pretty new dress, even if you still feel fat and all you want to do is hide under the covers. You can choose to set your hair in curlers and wear lipstick. It all comes down to choices.

I have read a lot about Dita Von Teese. What I find most admirable about her is she makes the decision every day to put on makeup and a gorgeous dress. Have you seen the outfits she wears when she travels? They are stunning. But if you look closer, they are also just a more glamorous version of something comfortable- like a 1940's rayon dress, or a nice coat and purse. Her hair is often pulled back into a chic chignon- something that can be done in 2 minutes. Heck, just having nice nails is something to be cherished. All these things are choices made by Dita in order for her to feel good about herself. And you can make the same choices.

In November of last year I decided to loose the extra 20 pounds that I had gained in the past few years. It took me 7 months, but I did it. I did it because every day I made the choice to work out, and eat less. And it sucked. You see, it is easy to choose to lay on the couch and watch tv, it is easy to choose to eat a bowl of ice cream, and it is easy to choose to drink a few glasses of wine every night. But it is hard to make the choice to eat less, and sweat, and get off the couch. So most people choose easy. But you know what? Easy is what lets ourselves go.

So every day I get up and choose to either go to the gym or not to go to the gym. But I know that whatever I choose, it will have consequences. If I choose to go to the gym I will feel better and look better. If I choose to take the day off then I might choose not to have a sweet later that day. So just as the downward spiral of schlump is based on little choices, so too is the ascent into becoming a glamorous housewife.

I started this blog with the intention of inspiring other women to turn their choices from the mundane to the glamorous. I wanted to show you ladies that if I can do it, anyone can do it. So go out there and choose to be glamorous.

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