Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

"Life is too short"

Hey dolls,

So today my sister Nariman picked me up from school, and everything was going fine untill something made me realize the value of life.

Well we were about half a minute or less away from reaching home, and while we were driving on our way, this car almost hit me and my sister Nariman so hard!!! and i cannot tell you the feeling that i got, because for that moment i really thought that that's it! My life is over, and im done!!!..

But thankfully, and thanks to god, me and Nariman's lives have been spared due to Nariman's quick reaction. As well as God's protection. :)

The situation was extremely silly but it could have been the reason for me and my sister, and maybe more to lose lives, which is certainly not considered silly. I value life and i believe god has blessed us to have a wonderful life to make choices and live the way we want to live. Life is too short so you would never want to lose it in a road accident, and it is absolutely sad to lose it on something as bad as wreckless driving.

Early on this week, I have almost lost my very own mother due to wreckless driving here in Oman. I cannot tell you how devastated and broken i would feel if that actually happened, but Thanks to god, my mother is safe and no harm was done.

Please take a moment to watch this video, which i believe is carrying a very important message that can solve many driving problems that we are facing here in Oman:

The reason that me and Nariman almost got hit today was because of a guy that carelessly drove as fast as he could without looking at a road junction. It was one of the scariest moments of my life and i would never want to experience it again.

I am trying to give out a message from blogging about what happened today because wreckless driving is an issue that is increasingly causes problems here in Oman, and is something that affects lots of families's lives, including mine. A man that my mother have known have been killed in a road accident, which is extremely sad. I know friends that have been involved in some sort of road accidents, and it certainly is not funny and not worth it.

Just fasten your seatbelt and drive carefully and remember that the road is not only yours!! If you do not care about your life or other's lives, maybe you should think about your family and people's families's and how would they feel if they lose a precious someone in a road accident?



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