Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

It's the skin hun! .. x

Hey dolls..

Today, i will show you a few measures that you can consider whn taking care of your skin, because i honesly believe thatthe skin brings out the true beautiful you!! .. If you have a beautiful skin, it would make your make up seem cleaner.. I'm not saying that there is a certan criteria for a perfect skin, what i mean is that being healthy and taking good care of your skin, will brin out the best !!

I personally cannot take bad skin, i hate it when i have skin that does not look healthy, with red spots and darker areas that are not the same color as the rest of my face. I recently have been facig a few problems with my skin, and i am currently working on returning it to it's previous state when it looked much better.

I have a few steps that really make a difference when it comes to your skin, and a few tips that i read online :] ..


1) The first thing that most girls get wrong is the exfoliating of the skin. There are daily exfoliators that are soter to the skin, however, most exfoliating products are supposed to be used only once a week. I personally use an exfoliator once in a week, and it would be better to set one certain day of the week to exfoliate your skin, I chose Friday, because to me that's the end of the week, to most of you its probably Sunday :) .. It's good, so you can start the next week with a fresh face. The key is to not exfoliate too much, otherwise you will get a flaky dry skin.


2) Treat your dark circles or parts of the face, don't just leave them to fade away alone. Usage of suncream prevents them, however, if you already have a few, dab some lemon juice to brighten them up and bring back your original skin color.


3) I personally think that getting enough sleep is absolutely vital to your skin care routine. GET AS MUCH SLEEP AS POSSIBLE. As an IB student, i find it really hardto get enough sleep, i always tend to sleep late and wake up really early to study, especially now in Examination days. Just use your sleep hours to get healthy looking skin!!


4) If you are a smoker, get rid of the ciggarette, and start your healthy way into a gorgeous skin!! Smoking is really bad for the skin, and will never make it look clean and health, so i suggest you quit smoking (if you do smoke) if you are willing to get a good looking skin.


5) Don't drink too much. Its as simple as that. I personally never drank before,  and never will, as it is against my religion. It is actually good for me because it keep my skin looking healthier :). I also think that even if i had no religion, i still wouldnt drink :) .. Afterall, ever body is free to do whatever he/she wants, but just dont over do it ..


6) Don't use dirty make up brushes. I love to keep the brushed that i use as clean as possible. I hate it when my sisters use the brushes and never clean them, it is just so disgusting. If you look at professional make up artists, they always make sure that the brushes that they use are super clean. Just grab a brushes cleanser from sephora, they're really good.


7) Don't forget to wash your face everyday before sleeping, it really makes a huge difference. You shouldnt also sleep with any make up!! I always tell salsabil, my sister, about how bad it is to sleep with your make up. Wash your face, then moisturize it a bit before going to bed :) you will wake up with fab, soft skin the following morning.


8) Do not abuse your eyes!!! The skin around your eyes is the thinnest skin in the entire body, and treating it like a baby is the best solution. I personally suffer from dark circles around my eye, thats why i seek concealers, however, i do wish that i don't have to use concealer at this early age. Don't rub your eyes!! it causesdark circles, as they are really sensitive.


9) Make sure that you do not pop zits if you get them, leave them to dissapear alone. You can speed up the process by wasing your face with deep cleanser, i use a cleanser from Clarins, that im loving so much <3 .. Just make sure that you dont pop them, because if they do they will leave a mark that will take soooooooooooo long to go !so its better to wait a few days than years!!


10) Finally, don't be too harsh on your skin with make up. Sometimes, you can skip the foundationg and just go bare!! you dont have to overload your face with make up in order to become beautiful. I personally only use many products on special occasion, and i hate too much make up on the skin.. It makes the face look cakey ;p if you get what i mean..


Hope you will benefit by those tips, and talk to you guys soon!

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