Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

"Success doesn't come to you? you go to it."

Hey dolls..

so today's moivation post is about success, and that is something that I really struggle with, especially now when i am doing the IB programme, which is extremely tough.

I cannot really say that this post will only be about success, but it is mainly about getting through problems maybe at school, or at work, or even in life with your friends. These problem will have a huge impact on how much you concentrate in what makes you become a successful person.

I am going through anextremely hard time of my life where I am constantly questioning my ability in terms of knowldge, and whether i will be able to overcom any difficulties that I have right now in school, additionally, I face many ideas regarding my future and college, and sometimes i find myself wondering whether im good enough to pursue my dreams.

When i got back home today, after talking to my best friends, and realized that i might be under alot of pressure right now, but ''working hard now, will make you relaxed later'' ... these are the words that my parents tell me ove and over again while i was growing up, and they are what truly motivate me. Its is obvious that nothing comes easily, you have to work really hard for it, and that is what i live my life by.

I know that there will be certain issues that will always find their way back to me, such as problems with friends or family, or getting bad grades at certain times, or struggling with a certain subject, but in the end you have to know that these problems are only there to make you stronger :)...

Oh and finally, just stay true, believe in yourself and work hard!!

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