Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

My Thoughts on TZ election and EDUCATION.

Hello everybody, I hope your all doing well with your families and friends. As I mentioned before on my first "Welcome" post, I will be giving my thoughts on upcoming TZ election. As Tanzanian born, I have always loved and adored my country for the sense of humour with others, but what sudden me the most is our leaders. They don't seem to think outside the box, they don't seem to be flexible with their fellow Tanzanian.When I was watching United State election, I was moved and amazed with president Obama, he seemed to give his people what they wanted and one thing that really struck me when he talked about the importance of Education. So I am only going to give thoughts on EDUCATION.

If you know me then you will probably know that I have strong belief in Education, we all know that it is the key to our bright future. As president Kikwete is waiting to return to the Ikulu house, I thought I'd share my ideas with you on what he should work on if he really cares for his people. But then again I ask myself does he really care or is he there for the sake of being there?.

Education: He should really put his focus on education, he should find something that will allow people to have more access to education. I live in Canada and you wont believe how the education system works here( I love it). I know Tanzania cannot be compared to other countries, but I think we can enrich ourselves by focusing on education. It's great that school tuition has been eliminated in Tanzania since 2002, but families still have the responsibility to pay for uniforms, testing fees and school supplies.My problem here is that, If a parent doesn't have a job, can't a afford even a meal for her children,then how in the world will she pay for testing fees and books?.

I believe Ikulu has lots of money to give to the schools for chairs,books,tables and etc. All those money Mr.president is spending to take trips to UK,US, and everywhere else should be put into a good use like EDUCATION. Its time to give those kids something that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. There is nothing I love more than watching a child smile, I work with kids and every day they inspire me for the better, I feel like they're very creative,and I believe that In Tanzania we have very bright kids and their future can be bright too If only Kikwete considered Education more than anything else. KIDS ARE OUR FUTURE SO THINK ABOUT IT MR.PRESIDENT.

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