Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Domestic violence against men

Abusive relationship doesn't fall on women only. Every 34 second in america men are being beaten,kicked,spit on by their female partners. Love doesnt have to hurt nor pain. Hitting someone doesnt mean you love them,I dont believe in hitting of a man or a woman. We have been hearing alot of domestic violence on women but never on men. When it comes to violence there is no difference,being abused by somebody you love and trust can be confusing and bewildering. The emotions you feel as a result are going to be similar whether you are male or female, however it can be harder for men to cope with the emotional impact of domestic abuse,because society doesn't see or view women as man beater. In reality, men get beaten,thrown down the stairs and cant do nothing because women have more power. A relationship should not be lived in fear.Nobody should be degraded like that, Verbal and physical abuse is the biggest sign of disrespect to your partner even worse than cheating. When you hit your partner and say you love em, thats not LOVE thats abusive. Dont tell your parner your going to change because of them, you have to change for your own self. If you are an adult you should be mature enough not to result in violence. It solves nothing ,the anger and violence end up controlling you, not u controlling the emotion or action. If u cant controll ur anger then u need to get help otherwise u are just going to end up alone and angry or worse having the crap kicked out of u cause not everyone is a doormatt.There are people who will hit back and some wont stop either.Always remember there is someone bigger or stronger than you and you just might pick the wrong person to mess with. Only if someone is attacking you should you defend yourself. But yeah keep ur hands to yourself . LOVE DOESNT HAVE TO HURT.

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