Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

How to moisturize your skin.

Whether your old or young we all want healthy good looking skin. There are so many people who forgets to take good care of their skin, because of their daily lives and I understand when your life becomes hectic and after putting your kids to bed all you want to do is relax with your hubby or boyfriend. Well summer is coming and we all want that glowing skin to show it around, here is quick way on how to get there. You can do it two or three times a week, you can do it on the weekend, it is really up to you. Enjoy

Things you need: Salt,Sugar,Olive Oil,Cup.
Warning : Do not use salt and olive oil mixture on face because it may be too harsh.Use sugar instead. Salt and olive oil mixture is for body only!

  1. Pour an equal amount of olive oil and a sugar in a cup.
  2. Mix together and then rub the mixture on your skin in circular motions
  3. Let the mixture sink into your skin by waiting a minute
  4. Wash off mixture and pat dry towel with it.
  • If you want to exfoliate and moisturize skin, use salt with olive oil.
  • Do not use salt if you have cuts on the area you are going to moisturize because salt will burn your cut.
  • The longer you leave the mixture on, the softer your skin will be, but don't leave it on for too long.
  • Try rubbing this mixture on knees and elbows and any other rough spots and your skin will feel so soft.

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