Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Organic Container Gardening

I've started planting things and I'm almost too excited about it (as shown by the amount of hay used on the lettuce pots above). Because I am struggling to find organic fruit and vegetables where I live, I figured I better start growing them myself. Not having a garden is no longer an excuse when I can plant everything in pots (terracotta pots made in Italy, no less). We've planted some organic broccoli, kale, spinach, lettuce and basil. That's a good start and that's a lot of green leafy stuff!

It's only been one week and my gardening optimism has not waned. I continually carry the pots around to the sunniest spots outside the house and shoo away ominous looking insects with rosemary twigs!

Hopefully, I will be showing you luscious-looking vegetables in a few months time and raving about how good they taste. If I don't mention container gardening again on this blog then it will be safe to assume that it has not gone well and my plants did not end up resembling anything remotely edible! I better go. There's one of those pesky
white cabbage butterflies near my broccoli!

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