Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Balsam Style Pick: Tons of Layers & Ruffles..

Hey girliez ;) .. How're yew all doing?

Well lately i have been checking out the new styles that came out from the start of 2011, and i am really impressed because fashion is going all the way this year! And we should be expecting more and more fashionable items coming out in the future.

What i found out about this year's fashion so far, it really paid much attention on ruffles and the different layers in dresses and all that, starting from coutoure designers all the way to what celebrities wear. The fashion this year is also taking us back to the 60s and 70s, but in the same time, it is also fashion forward!!

I am absolutely in love with ruffles and layers on dresses and differenet pieces of clothings, so lets take a look at a few examples that i got you..

We see from all the clothings above, they all included some type of ruffles or layering in them , which is amazing <3 and is so fashion forward..

I have also realized that international designers such as Roberto cavalli, Zuhair Murad, Eliee Saab and Azzedeine Alaia concentrate alot on making the dresses and different designs more and more intresting by creating and mixing different fabrics together, and creating ruffles and many layers on the same dress.

I am amazed about how amazing this year's fashion is going on.. i hope it continues throughout the year!

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