Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Internation Women's Day

Today International Women's Day marked its 100th year. I am proud to say that there is plenty of women who have achieved so much in their lives, but also sad to say some women have no rights to anything. As a woman I believe every woman deserve to be treated equal, whether your black,Indian,white,Chinese; gander and religion shouldn't come in between. Also, many women does the jobs that male thought we couldn't do. There was a time and still is a time where male figure says that a woman's place is at home taking care of the family. Not every woman wants to be at home, we want to explorer our selves and challenge ourselves, and for someone saying otherwise is wrong. For example, here in Canada we have equal rights, even if not in everything but you can be a firefighter, police officer, engineer, you can be whatever you want. In 3rd world countries still women are not recognized as equal and they are treated terribly wrong. In Tunisia and Egypt, demonstrators staked their claim for equality, education and a better life. Not every country want a woman who is strong and independent. As a woman I want to say please don't look at a woman any less. We are all equal,beautiful and unique in our own way. Every woman deserve to be appreciated, loved,and respected . Treat every woman as you want your sister to be treated, treat every woman the way you treat your mother (good way).

I want to thank my beautiful mother who means everything to me. I see my mother as a woman who is extraordinary, strong,smart, and loving. My mother has taught me so much about life and never once told me I cant be anything, all I hear from her is " You can be anything you want to just study hard and work hard,because life is not easy". My mother is full of wisdom, warmth and love, she is an amazing woman and I am so lucky to have her in my life.
Also, to my beautiful and wonderful sisters who are amazing and loving. Life without these women wouldn't be a life. I am so thankful to God for giving such loving and caring people in my life.


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