Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

L.A. Vintage Expo Review: Part 2

Here is Part 2:

I found a lovely rayon knit dress from Vaudeville Vintage that matched my new hat perfectly. Score! They had the most amazing vintage sundress with a fish print I wanted SO BAD! But it was too expensive for my blood.

Frock You Vintage had a large booth with many, many dresses. I ended up buying two 1950's silk dresses from them. One was a blue floral and the other was a pink floral. I adore them both. Oh! I also got a wonderful hibiscus cotton circle skirt from them as well. Their prices were excellent.

(You know you would rock this amazing costume on Halloween!)

I found this crazy lamp and had to take a picture of it! Would you believe this is not one of a kind! There are actually two of them, and the pair is retailing for $500. If you are interested, feel free to email me and I can get you in touch with the seller. Because I mean, who doesn't want a pair of S&M lamps?

Finally, one of the last booths I visited was from this adorable family who own Elsewhere Vintage. They have a bricks and mortar store in Old Towne Orange, which is a vintage Mecca. Maybe TOARMH need to take a field trip down there. But I digress. Elsewhere had wonderful clothing and even better jewelry. But the thing I liked best was the fact their daughter was in head to toe vintage. How cool is that!

(cutest family ever!)

As a final story, I have to tell you about my run-in with the ever glamorous Trina Turk. I have mentioned in the past that I interned for Trina about a million years ago when I studied at FIDM. I ended up working for her sales rep for a year until I had my first child. My love for Trina has never ebbed, even though I have not seen her in years. I always check out her collections and always read her various interviews through the years. I find Trina to be almost like a mentor, even though the relationship is one sided. So as I was leaving the show I saw her in a booth! Well, I about died. I went up to her and told her how much I love her and how influential she was to me. I sounded like a total idiot, but how 'cool' can you be when you are telling a stranger you love them. So I totally turned red, thanked her again for being so awesome and then ran out of the show! But it was worth it because I think it is important to thank the people who made a difference in your life- even if you do sound like a total tool when you are doing it.

Next time I think I will hit the show closer to noon. There were a lot more interesting people coming in as I was leaving. I think my next post on the show will be less about the vendors and more about the people who attend the show.

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