Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

The Boudoir Queen

I am a huge fan of pop culture, and I am online for hours a day, so between both of those things, I find myself on TMZ or Perez a lot. Today I noticed Courtney Love was being sued by an Etsy designer. I used to be a big Hole fan back in the days (my claim to fame is I saw Nirvana in concert for their In Utero tour)so I was interested to see what kind of trouble she was into these days.

Turns out Courtney found The Boudoir Queen on Etsy and had some custom outfits created, and then didn't pay. To add insult to injury, Courtney then talked a lot of smack to the public about the line so they sued! How awesome is that! It made we want to know more about The Boudoir Queen so I checked out their website. I thought the fashion was interesting and you ladies might be interested because it is refurbished vintage. Here are some highlights:

I get where designer Dawn Simorangkir is going. It is very Victorian/Deco/Hippie Chic. It isn't my style AT ALL, but I appreciate the look. I also like the idea of using vintage fabrics from old articles of clothing that would normally be thrown away. And I think it is pretty awesome that she took a rock star to court.

So what do you think of The Boudoir Queen? Glamorous or ghastly?

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