Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

L.A. Vintage Expo Review: Part 1

Hello kittens! I had a wonderful weekend because I was able to attend the vintage expo! It was my first time and it was amazing!

I got there bright and early when the doors opened at 9:00am. I thought there would be a huge line, but there were only about 40 people waiting when I got there. I also thought everyone would be dressed up in vintage, but only two other ladies, besides myself, were dressed in vintage.

(This is Ailene, one of the snazzy dressers. Don't you just love her mustard clutch?)

The first thing I did when the doors opened was find Timeless Vixen- my FAVORITE online store. I have purchased at least 4 dresses from her, but we have never met, so I introduced myself by my first name, and then said, 'but I go by The Glamorous Housewife'. Well, once I gave my online name, her eyes lit up and she said she was so thrilled to meet me. The feeling was mutual, and I took a ton of photos of her booth. I think I might make an appointment to check out her full collection in a couple of weeks. I will be sure to report back when I do.

After the love fest at Timeless Vixen, I went back to the front of the expo and just started going from booth to booth. There were a lot of wonderful vendors, but some had items I am not interested in like southwest vintage, or Victorian vintage. I DID find a wonderful 1940's suit that fits me perfectly from Clever Vintage. They have a store in downtown Los Angeles, but are not online yet. When they decide to venture onto the world wide web, I will be sure to let you dolls know.

I also found an amazing hat and necklace from Trini's Treasure. Trini also doesn't have an online presence. She mainly does the shows. I was pretty surprised at how many vendors didn't have a webstore. Considering how inexpensive it is to sell online these days, I was surprised more hadn't moved online.

Stay tuned for the second part of this post. There is a crazy lamp you have got to see to believe it AND a funny story.

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