Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

New Year, New Zealand

Cape Palliser - North Island

February is here and I haven't wished the readers of this blog a happy New Year yet! I hope your 2011 has been overflowing with great things so far and continues to do so.

I arrived in New Zealand on New Year's Day. I did fly here but judging by the lack of posts, you may have thought I'd sailed here! We flew via San Francisco and stayed a few nights. San Francisco was freezing but fun and all a bit of a blur as we were recovering from jet lag and the big house move. I think I saw the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf and some cute shopping areas such as Chestnut Street.

We arrived in Auckland and then began our road trip towards Wellington. The scenery was everything you imagine New Zealand to be. Blue skies, warm weather, sheep and vast open spaces! When we hit Wellington we found it to be stunning but it still had that urban feel. We decided to rent on the outskirts for awhile until we decide where to buy / work / find the place of our dreams!

I have lots to catch you up on and to share over the coming weeks like the shop in Wellington selling great second-hand jeans for $4 (I'm talking Abercrombie and Fitch), the place to buy organic, package free food and the best dark chocolate (organic, fair trade and lecithin-free). I also have to show you how I survived travelling on the 'tiffin box diet' to avoid plastic and fast food and I also have to show you how we are setting up house from scratch, the ethical way.

It definitely feels like the start of a new life in New Zealand. I'm excited to share some of the journey here on Green Lashes and Fashion.

BTW, here's a book I found on the shelf of the place we are renting. Hope it's a sign of things to come!

Tara x

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