Senin, 05 Juli 2010

I'm Back!

(via my vintage vogue)

You may ask yourself

What is that beautiful house?

You may ask yourself

Where does that highway lead to?

You may ask yourself

Am I right?... Am I wrong?

You may say to yourself

My God!... what have I done?

-Talking Heads

Hello my darling kittens! I have missed you all so much. Yes, I took a very long break from blogging. I had some personal issues I needed to work out. A sort of mid-life crisis if you will. You see, for seven years I have been telling myself that I didn't want to be a stay at home mom- I wanted a CAREER. And this CAREER would make me feel creative and popular and fulfilled. Only there was nothing I really wanted to do! I had already created a line of clothing- my dream since I was a little girl. And that was incredibly creative and exciting and fulfilling. But it was also draining and tenuous and never made any money!

So I took a job at a corporation. And it was wonderful- for about three weeks. And then it just became work. And that is when I realized that I had just gotten into the habit of wanting a CAREER and hadn't really analyzed if at this point in my life was it what I really wanted. So I took the last few months off and really thought about what makes me happy. And you know what I came up with? My life, without a CAREER, makes me happy!

I enjoy getting the kids to school and then having the day to figure out what to make for dinner, and what games to play with the kids when they get home, and what I am going to write for my blog.  I like spending time with my friends and planning my Shabbos meals and supporting my husband. I don't need a CAREER to make me feel like valid part of this society. I know it sounds so simple, but for me it was a long time before I could accept that staying at home was just as important as going out and making money.

But why am I telling you all this? Because I am back baby! I missed my blog and missed my dear readers. But with my life change, so too will this blog change. Before now I only discussed vintage clothing, interior design, and cooking. I would like to add more mommy stuff like kids clothing, parenting issues, and kids art or craft projects.  I hope you are all excited I am back, and I promise to visit your blogs soon.

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