Senin, 05 Juli 2010

“For me, skinny is just a style of jeans – not a goal.”

Hey Girliez :D ..

I Just wanted to post a really meaningful quote to me in here. This quote i think should be given to every girl out there, who is pressured to be beautiful, in a wrong way! ..

From the heading, you might know what i'm talking about, you may even know who said this quote, yes, it is Kim Kardashian, a business women who quickly became a fashion icon.

She inspires me to not listen to those out there who think that skinny is beautiful! ..

I find it pretty ridicilous how so many people love and try to achieve a skinny body to be beautiful, especialy us women! we are always forced to change ourselves to look beautiful, it's either by the media, or even our families, friends and everyone around us! ...

I personaly agree with kim:
“For me, skinny is just a style of jeans – not a goal.”

A women is knows to be curvy and not skinny, if all women turned out to be skinny, there would be no difference between women & men, honestly!! ,,

I think this messege should be sent to all girls out there, especially young ones that are pressured to look skinny, just to please others.

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