Rabu, 20 April 2011

Balsam's Style Pick: Dangerous Accessories & Snake Bracelets!!

Hey dolls ;)

You may have realized that I have been concentrating on accessories and jewels quite alot these days! So i have decided to do a 'Style Pick' post to show you guys how much i love dangerous accessories or jewels that make a statement!!...

I will feature one of my all time favorite type of jewels (specifically bracelets), and i'd love to see your responce :)

Firstly, Just tell me what you think of when you see the following?

Well i dont know about you but the pictures above instantly send an image of danger into my mind, and I love 'em!! ..

I have seen a few celebs wearing these
, such as:

Dita on Teese

Kim Kardashian

Oh, and i almost forgot!!

I actually fell in love with this type of bracelets when i saw one with one of my best friends, She bought a smilar bracelet from China, and it looked stunning!

I need to get a propper one for myself ! lol ..

what do you guys think? would you ever wear a snake bacelet?

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