Senin, 08 November 2010

A Total HIT & A Total MISS!

Sooo, i wanna do something new!

And i decided to go with a ''Total HITT& a Total MISS!'' post! in which i will be posting pictures of celebrities that include two celebrities, one of them wearing a perfect outfit, and the other is a total loser!!! So, starting from :

Kimberley Walsh and Nicola Roberts

Kimberly, Ok we cant say anything bad about her, because her outfit is amazing! I love the dress, but i'm not quite sure with the shoes!!! But overall, it's Gorgeous! <3

Nicola... well she needs serious help!! are you in a haloween party or something? PLEASE! even my grandma would pick something better than that!!!! ,, It's just gross!

You can share with me your ideas and contact me by clicking on the contact header at the top right hand corner of the page! and share with me the outfits that you think are a hit & the outfits that you think are a miss, and i will do my best to post them in my blog..

xoxo's Love u!!!

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