Rabu, 17 November 2010

Eid was so much fun!

Eid has been AMAZING! so far!

This Eid has deffo been so special :) .. We just had guests with us today! They left like one hour ago! It was so much fun to see those family friends once again.

I love Eid gifts, I got tons of really nice perfumes that i will try to show you sometimes oon in one of my posts, maybe tomorrow or after tomorrow! because after that, unfortunately the holiday is over and we'll be back to school =( ..

I'm actually excited to see my friends once again!

The Eid meals were also really good, here in Oman we always make a very special kind of meat that is cooked underground, which is awesome! .. and all the sweets and deserts are really yummy, our kitchen is literally full with all kind of sweets and puddings!!! I'm going to eat 'em all tonight, hehe! JK..

I hope that everybody that celebrated Eid had a wonderful one! and everyone who doesn't, i hope you are having a verry good Eid so far!

love u !! XO'S

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