Selasa, 16 November 2010

Healthy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore.

When it comes to your precious little one's healthy, you would never want to ignore these signs. If your child comes to you complaining about her/his tummy or headache, then it is better to get her checked out than sayin " You ll be fine honey". A pediatrician identifies symptoms that can be warning signals for more serious health problems

Head Injuries: “Kids fall and hit their heads a lot,” says Dr. Yamashiro. “When it happens, watch for tiredness, irritability or quietness in the first 12 to 24 hours.” There is a risk of concussion or internal swelling. If you notice any of these signs or your child loses consciousness take them to a doctor right away.

Severe headaches: “We know kids as young as four can suffer from migraines,” says Dr. Yamashiro, so it’s important to get a child checked out if the pain is that intense. To check, he says to ask older children about the pain (how bad it is on a scale of 1 to 10?). Younger ones will act out or be unusually lethargic so watch their behaviour. If you given them children’s pain medication and the behaviour doesn’t change it’s time to see a doctor.
High fever: “There are three things to watch for with a fever,” says Dr. Yamashiro. First, your child’s fever doesn’t come down after she takes a lukewarm bath or you give her acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Second, your child looks feverish or is cranky, sluggish or tired. Third, her behaviour and energy levels remain poor even after there’s a drop in the fever or medication has been taken. If any of these things happen, get medical attention.
Shortness of Breath: This can be a sign of respiratory infection or asthma. For older children, it’s time for a doctor’s visit if it is difficult for them to talk or they make wheezing, gurgling or stridor-like noises. For kids who are not talking, Dr. Yamashiro says breathing fast (are the ribs are moving quickly?) and hard are signs they need attention.
Vomiting: See a doctor immediately if your child is vomiting so much she can’t stay hydrated (she’s peeing less, has dry lips or dry mouth), has abdominal pain, a severe headache or is losing consciousness, says Dr. Yamashiro. “And avoid gravol. It makes kids sleepy which can mask other symptoms.”
Diarrhea: Like vomiting, the concern here is dehydration. Kids should have an electrolyte drink (Gatorade or powerade works well) to replace salt and fluids. If that’s not working, go to a doctor. “Also get immediate attention if there is blood in the stool because that’s a sign of infection,” says Dr. Yamashiro.

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