Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

My New Favourite Breakfast

I've been like Goldilocks these past few weeks, searching for the perfect breakfast. I used to start the day with a bowl of organic weet-bix and organic oat milk thinking I was all healthy and you know, organic but I wasn't really. My cereal was processed and wrapped in plastic. I knew there had to be something better.

The breakfast search was on. I tried some sweet things such as quinoa with banana, walnuts and maple syrup (not for me). I tried some savoury things such as basic, homemade vegetable soup (a little odd first thing in the morning but not so bad. Still not right for me). Then I returned to the
homemade granola recipe I used to make but had neglected to use because I could never find a decent vegan yogurt to go with it. Until now!

Now I've discovered how to make my own vegan yogurt using cashews and it's sublime. I've been making a lemon version and combining it with some seasonal stewed fruits and granola. The 'yogurt' is tart yet creamy, the stewed plums are only cooked with a splash of water and no sugar and still come out delightfully sweet and the granola is completely moreish. It's the perfect little breakfast trinity of flavours and nutrients. I'm such a fan of it. Even my non-vegetarian mum loves it and has been eating it for the past two weeks. It's a keeper!

I will post the 'yogurt' recipe tomorrow in case anyone would like to try it too. Hopefully, it will give you a new and healthy idea for breakfast in case you are also craving a different and delicious way to start your day.

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