Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Education in America

For the past few weeks I have been hearing talks about education in the United states. Yes they are the best at ruling the world and anything at it,but when it comes to education they suck. Whether you'r poor or rich,I believe that every child deserve to be educated. What bothers me a lot,its the fact of US government spending billions of dollars to fight war in Iraq and Afghanstan,but when It comes to their own country they tend to fail.

Well recently Oprah did a show about education in US and boy I was surprised. The U.S. public school system is a mess. If you remember in 2001 they signed of The No Child Left Behind Act to help improve public education as a whole, the results have been. Test scores across the states are still at an all-time low, drop-out rates keeping increasing, and some schools still can’t provide basic supplies for their classrooms.I ask myself how did they get to this positon?. Well finger pointin at the teachers isnt going to help. I believe the first teacher is a parent, as a parent you should take interest in your child's life and their education. When they come home ask them do they have homework?,do they need help with anything?. attend teacher parent meeting, be involve,dont just sit down and blame the teacher.BE INVOLVE, HELP YOUR CHILD.

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