Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

The Dubai Journey (The Place We Stayed In)

We're In Dubai!

Trust me, this is not the first time i got to Dubai, i go there pretty much everyyear, sometimes three or two times a year!.. anyway ..

I love shopping in Dubai, as i stated before in a previous post, it is such a great city as it is very energetic, and i prefere that!!! .. im a city girl ;D

First, i just wanted to show you some pictures of the place that me & the family stayed in, it was a hotel called "Flora Park" and we booked a suit which contains three rooms, four toilets, a kitchen, and a living room with a store room =D .. it was amazing, i loved it ..

This is our room, in which me and my sisters stayed in, our bags are already in bed :D lol ..


This is my little sister and the maid's room, we had to argue about who's getting this room because i loved it .. !!!

And the living room, Me and my sister (Salsabil) loved this place, we chilled there for so long! we even woke up early mornin just to chilax here coz i havent seen her for a long time!! .. i also enjoyed making fun of the hotel's menue in here! Lmao !!

& the kitchen! it was fun staying here too, ya know, the place where delicious things get made! LOL .. Me & Salsa had breakfast the very first morning in here, i remember we enjoyed eating Hummus & bread! lol .. & Nescafe!

AND Finaly! The Mama & Baba room! Lol ..

i have more pictures, if you wanna see them i will put them on twitter! so follow me, there's a link to my twitter account right on top of my twitter feed on the right hand side!! it's the very fist thing!! .. more pictures of what i got are coming soon in a post, so keep track of my blog! Bye bye for now!

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