Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

The Dubai Journey (Goodies, Things i got, make up, ect..)

Hiya Girliez!!!

Finally i got time to post the things i bought from Dubai, i think i got plenty of good stuffies that you, might be, interested in! ...

I'll start off with the clothes, shoes, bags!

1) These really adorable pair of shoes are from New Look, i got them from the Diera City Centre, it was right next to our hotel. I love them, and they're really comfortable to walk in. They suit summer dresses, skirts, and of course they do look good with everything else too!


2) New Look, once again. These gladiator looking flats are also very unique, and i'm already in love with them!!! ... Their colour suits almost everything, but i wouldnt wear these with a dress to be honest, dun think they would look as good. Maybe, who knows.

3) These other cute pais are also from New Look, they look really good with skinny jeans! I love them, they're also very comfortable and have a really unique design.

4) Now lets start on the hand bags! If you know me, or any one of my sisterz, the first thing that you would recognize is our obsession with hand bags! they're like gravity that attracts us!  ... This gorgeous hand bag is also from new look, it's really nice and fashionable, i don't think it costs anything more that 12 Omani Riyals (120 Dhmz) .. I fell in love with this bag as soon as i saw it, maybe because i dont have any bag that has the same colour so i wanted something different.

5) I also got another similar one, a bit lighted colour, it's aproximately the same price as the previous one.

6) This time, it's not from new look, it's from CLAIRS, this shop is my obsession too ! i love it they always have great bits and pieces. I used to only have one white handbag, so i wanted to add this into my collection. It costed 10.4 Riyals in Dubai, but i found the exact same bag here in Oman with 11 Riyals. Not big difference!

7) My Favorite! MAKE UP!! i went to a mac store in Dubai Mall, and i was absolutely confused because there were tons of nice colours that i wanted to get, and a variety of other products as well, but i made up a decision to get a new concealer, and a new 4 colour pro palette. This concealer is really great i love it .. i am not sure how much it costed!

8) These colours are the ones that i really wanted, it contains the colour Carbon (The darkest Black) and Steamy (Blue) that i really adore!!! Im not sure what the other colours are called. I got this collection because my uncle's wedding is coming and what im wearing contains these colours .. so yeah! .. The pallete costed me about 22 Omani Riyals ..

9) I got this lovely pair of jeans from New Look as well, there were plenty of great deals of jeans but i loved this one the most.

I got a top from new look as well, it is gorgeous!! .. i will probably post a pic sometime soon.. so cya for now!!!

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