Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

You Must Decide The Fate Of My Family....

Every year my whole family (my husband, kids, my siblings with their families, and my Mom) go to Hawaii. And every year we take a family portrait for my Mom's Christmas card. It is always a nightmare with everyone complaining about having to get dressed up and missing some quality beach time.

So this year my brother thought we should hire a professional photographer (usually my Mom's boyfriend takes the pictures), serve champagne, and make it more fun. Everyone thinks this is a great idea, but now we cant decide on if we should wear matching outfits, or just do a color coordinated picture.

Personally, I am on the side of matching outfits. I found some great white shirts for all the guys and kids (the kids are all boys!). Then I thought the ladies could all get dresses at J.Crew in shades of blue or green. I know it is totally cheesy, but isn't that kind of the point?

My sister, thinks we should NOT have anyone matching and just dress in whatever we want so long as we dress in shades of blue, white, or khaki. My only issue with this is, there are A LOT of shades of blue out there and it might not look cute.

So I told her I would put it out to my blog and let you ladies decide.

So you must choose: Matching outfits or color coordinated outfits?

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