Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam.

Look, I love vintage as much as the next girl, but when it comes to cuisine, I am very glad I live in 2010. I find the food from the 50s to be the most unappetizing bunch of glop ever. Their penchant for chopped meat, condensed mushroom soup, and gelatin is so unappetizing to me. But the photos, the photos, are the best.

Just look at that Sunday dinner. I love how the fruit is arranged just so, and the meat dish has the perfectly placed parsley. Hilarious.

Compare it to a modern photo of more or less the same thing:

No parsley, nothing is perfectly placed. But doesn't it look so much more appetizing?

The other thing I find awesome about the food of the 50's are the crazy recipes.

Yes, that is a recipe for a JELLY OMELET! That is seriously the grossest thing ever.

Oh, nope. Sorry. TUNA PIZZA ON BISCUTS is the grossest. thing. ever.

Then of course you have your Spam.

I have never eaten Spam before, but I will admit, I have a recipe memorized and I have always wanted to try it. First you butterfly a loaf of spam. Then you put pineapple slices in the cuts of the Spam. Finally you pour ketchup over the entire thing and bake it at 350 for 25 minutes. Sounds totally disgusting and yet strangely intriguing.

Of course you have to have dessert. Most of the cakes and pies I saw look pretty much exactly the same as the cakes and pies of today. Oh, but add some gelatin to fruit and voila! Dessert!

Can you even imagine going to someones house and having them serve you jello with canned halved pears? Can you even buy canned halved pears anymore?

If you are still interested in funny vintage food, I highly recommend this website. The food is from the 70s, but it is still good for a chuckle or two.

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