Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

It's Moving Day!

Ladies, please excuse my crazy absence, but I have been packing and getting the new house ready for our final move. We were finally approved last Friday, after the inspector came THREE TIMES. He would say, "ok, you need to fix this, this, and this". So our contractor fixed it. Then he would say, "ok, now you need to fix this, this and this." G-d forbid he give us the whole list at once! Then they sent a SECOND inspector, and HE found things for us to fix. I thought I would go crazy, but they finally passed us! The bad news is, we still don't have gas, so we will be essentially camping out in our new home. But I will take a little cold to be able to finally LIVE in the new house.

So please forgive me for not glamorizing your life with posts. I miss you all terribly and I have so many ideas I want to talk about. But it will have to wait a little longer until I have unpacked.

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