Senin, 11 Januari 2010

How To Plan A Dinner Party 101

Here at Chez Glamour, I tend to throw a dinner party about once a week, usually on Friday nights or Saturday afternoons. After throwing so many parties, I thought I would show you how I can put together a fun dinner for 10 adults and 6 kids in 5 days. Each day this week I will post on what I do every day to prepare for the Friday night dinner.

On Mondays I go through my cookbooks and decide on a menu. Usually I cook seasonally, and I noticed some amazing mushrooms last week at the farmer's market, so I decided that I would feature them as a main course. I found a mushroom lasagna in my Greens cookbook that looked amazing so I started with that.

Then I decided I needed a salad to go with it. I found a wonderful looking winter salad(in the same cookbook)that had all of my favorite vegetables such as carrots, celery root, beets, and potatoes. It was then smothered in a tarragon mustard dressing. Because I was 2 for 2 with the this cookbook, I decided to find a soup to go with the salad and lasagna. I decided on a fennel and celeriac (celery root) soup.

Now, I just had to figure out what I wanted to make for dessert. I have been obsessed with fruit crisps and felt I have pretty much become an 'expert' with them and wanted to try something more challenging. So I thought a chocolate molten cake would be a delicious way to end the meal. I found the recipe in my Everyday Food Cookbook.

Here is a photo of the notebook I carry around with me that has all my menu notes and grocery lists with the decided menu and notes:

Once I knew what the menu would be, I started the invitations. I usually spend a long time preparing the perfect invite. NOT! I just text:

Or I call. I try to get the information out on Monday, but I have been known to put together a menu and invitations as late as Wednesday!

And that, kittens, is how I start my week! Tomorrow: pre-grocery shopping. Wednesday: Flower arranging 101. Thursday: Setting the table and starting to cook. Friday: Cooking and getting ready to PARTY!

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