Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Day 2 Party Planning

On Tuesday I make my grocery list, and I try to do my grocery shopping- at least for stuff that wont perish, or for ingredients I need for the food I make on Wednesday and Thursday. I often have to go back to the store on Thursday or Friday for fresh ingredients, but that is a quick trip- 20 minutes max.

Here is a picture of my grocery list:

As you can see I list by recipe. Not sure why I do it that way, it would probably be easier to do it by produce, baked goods, canned goods, etc. But this works for me.

I also make a quick list of what I want to accomplish each day:

This is my list for this week, and I am busy volunteering on Friday afternoon, which really cuts into my cooking time, so I picked dishes (especially dessert)that can be made ahead of time. The lemon mousse is chilled and will still taste fine if I make it on Wednesday. I can also make the soup stock on Wednesday.

I was discussing this list with my friend who is making a lunch for 20 adults this Saturday (did I mention she has a 4 week old? She is the ultimate glamorous housewife!) and she was surprised I did my flowers on Wednesday. I told her it is just easier for me to get them out of the way, and it gives the roses a few days to open up. But you can always do them 1-2 days before the party instead of 3 if that is easier for you.

Of course you can always do your grocery shopping as late as Thursday, but I like to string it out over the week and do a little bit at a time.

Wednesday: Flowers, Thursday: tablesetting, Friday: cooking and last minute tips

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