Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

Glamorous Eccentric: Tilda Swinton

Here is someone you might not have heard of: Tilda Swinton. Tilda is an acclaimed, academy award winning British actress who always brings the crazy to the red carpet. She is not hounded by paparazzi, so I couldn't find many pictures of her in her everyday garb, but there was plenty of red carpet fun to be had. Take a look at this:

Have you ever seen such things on the red carpet? Usually you get very curvy sexy dresses with plunging cleavage or, on the flip side, large ballgowns. Tilda brings her own sophistication and color sense to a place that doesn't often get to see either. The mainstream fashion press just doesn't know what to do with her, so she is usually on the 'worst dressed' list, but I have to disagree. To me, the worst dressed women on the red carpet are boring. They are easy safe dresses usually found by a stylist and the dress ends up wearing the actress, not the other way around. But Tilda is different. Even her casual clothing is avant-garde:

But the thing I adore most about her is the fact that she lives with her husband AND her lover in Scotland! How awesome is that? Talk about an alternate lifestyle. Now this might not be an option for the rest of us, but good for her for making an unusual choice and not giving a damn what everyone else thinks! So I raise my glass to the completely bonkers Tilda- for being a total original in both her lifestyle and her fashion.

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