Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

The Quick Set

How to quickly set your hair to get a vintage look

(via my vintage vogue)

Hello darlings, sorry for the late post. The internet was spotty yesterday, and with the kids at Grandma's house, I have been trying to get soooo much done.

But now I am ready to show you the 'quick' set, which is now pretty much the only set I do, unless I am trying to be 'fancy'. This set doesn't last as long as the full set on my hair- probably only until around 6:00pm if I set it around 9:00am. But I am almost always home and not going back out in the evenings, so it works for me. On the occasions I go back out I either reset my hair or pin it up.

The first picture is of my hair freshly washed, with setting lotion, and blowed dry. 99% of the time you will hear you should have unwashed hair, and I am guessing that is true, but it doesn't work on my hair- it ends up just looking dirty. So remember- practice, try new things, and see what works for your hair.

For the quick set, I don't section my hair! I only part it on the side, because that is where I always part it. If you usually part it in the middle, that is fine too. Then I just grab a small section of hair in the front, brush it, spray it, and then roll it with a medium roll. I roll under and towards my head. This is different from the full set where I rolled it away from my head. It doesn't give as much volume at the crown, but it does give a sexy over-the-eye look which you will see in the final picture.

Then I take the next section of hair, brush it, spray it, and roll it under.

I keep repeating this on both sides of my head as I work my way back. The reason for this is, if I run out of the medium sized rollers, I can switch to the larger size in the back.

Using the same method I work all the way around the head in one layer.

Then I let the curlers cool down for about 30 minutes. This is when I do my makeup and eat my breakfast. Once the curlers are done, I just take them all out and brush! Here is the back of the hair:

And here is the final product:

As you can see, this gives a less full appearance, and is flatter on top. It also gives a smoother curl because it only has the one layer of rollers. I can set my hair in 5-7 minutes using this method, which is much quicker then the 15 minutes or more on the full set. I also use this set when I know I am going to wear a hat, because the top of the head is flat, and if it is going to be covered by a hat, why go to all that work to do a full set when you are not going to see it anyway?

One other helpful hint: I plug in my rollers when I get out of the shower and let them heat up as I comb and blowdry my hair. That way they are ready when I am ready to use them and I don't have to wait around for them to heat up.

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