Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

It's Delish! Cooking With The Glamorous Housewife: Enchiladas Verde With Mango Salad

(photo curtisy of My Vintage Vogue)

Being as I was born and raised in Southern California, I absolutely LOVE Mexican food. So does my husband. So I usually make something Mexican for dinner at least once a week. Tonight it was enchiladas verde and a mango salad. It took about 15 minutes to make the enchiladas and another 7-8 minutes to make the salad, but it takes about 30 minutes to bake the enchiladas in the oven after they have been assembled.

Enchiladas Verde:

1 box of Morning Star 'griller' patties

1 Tbsp oil

1/2 yellow onion

1-2 cloves garlic

1 tsp cumin

1 pinch red pepper flakes


1 can refried beans.

corn tortillas

bottled or canned green (verde) sauce. You can find this in the 'mexican' section of your grocery store. I get mine bottled from Trader Joes. You should get the largest can available. I use 2 bottles of the TJ's sauce.

First I chop the onion and get that started on medium high heat with some oil. While that is cooking I defrost the patties and chop them up into small bits. When the onion is soft, about 5 minutes, I add the chopped patties. Then I chop the garlic and add it. Then goes the cumin, pepper flakes, salt/pepper, and I let this heat through, about another 5 minutes. At this point I add a can of refried beans, which helps everything stick together, let it get warm and then turn off the burner.

Next comes the actual making of the enchilada. First I pour half of the salsa into the bottom of a square baking dish. Then I zap one corn tortillas for 10 seconds which heats the tortilla up and makes it pliable without adding extra fat or calories. Normally you would heat the tortillas up in a pan of oil, but this is MUCH healthier. Once the tortilla is pliable I fill it with some of the filling, roll it up, and place it seam side down in the baking dish.

I continue until my filling is used up or there is no more room in the dish- which ever comes first. Then I pour the other half of the sauce over the enchiladas, cover with foil and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

While the enchiladas are baking, I make the salad.

Mango Salad

1 head of romaine lettuce

1 scallion

1 cucumber

1 mango

1 avacado

1 lemon

olive oil


The salad is just a matter of chopping the veggies up and putting them in a bowl, adding some freshly squeezed lemon juice (or a mild vinegar such as cider vinegar) some oil and salt and pepper.

When the enchiladas are done I like to serve them with sour cream and a sprinkling of fresh cilantro.

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