Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Glamorous Grocery Shopping

Sunday is my grocery day. I plan out five meals and then shop for all of them at once. I find this helps me organize better as well as saves me the trouble of having to figure out what to make for dinner each night. Plus, being organized keeps me from feeling like this:

and helps me feel like this:

This week I am cooking out of one of my favorite 'everyday' cookbooks Great Food Fast. It is basically the best of the Everyday Food magazine put out by Martha Stewart. You can find them at the checkout stand and I just love them. I have buying them for years and 70% of my weekday meals come from those magazines. The other 30% come from 30 Minute Meals.

(this is just a teensy bit of my collection)

Oh, I forgot to mention that we are mostly vegetarian. What does that mean? It means the only animal we eat are fish, and only kosher fish (must have fins and scales). This means we can eat creatures like halibut or tuna but not shark (no scales) or shrimp (no shellfish).

So here is the menu for the week. I will try to be sure to get photos of each meal as I make it and post the recipe each day.

Menu for June 21st - June 25
Fish tacos with beans and watermelon
Fake chicken parm with broccoli salad
Fake bbq chicken with corn salad
Veggie enchiladas with a green salad
Fake chicken stir fry lettuce wraps with steamed jasmine rice

I don't decide which meal for which day because my mood often changes, or I put the meals with the most perishable ingredients at the beginning of the week so the food doesn't spoil. Hopefully this post will inspire my dear readers to try and organize their shopping trips, thereby giving them more time to spend doing things they truly enjoy. For me, that means surfing the net for amazing shoes. What do you ladies like to do with your free time?

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