Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Casual Make Up Ideas.

Today, me and the family are planning to go out for a formal lunch out! and i was checking out some cool family dinner / casual make up ideas.

I know that alot of girls out there struggle with the make up that they should go for for different events, and maybe casual make up could be quite difficult because you might start questioning yourself ''have i done too much concealer?'' or ''is this colour way too harsh on me?'' or '' is this way too smokey for an everyday look.

Trust me, i go through this everytime i have a family event of friends night out, because i like smokey eyes, and dark colours that make a statement, but i know that for casual make up , i have to be very careful to get it right.

First of all, you need to decide what shade of colour fits perfectly with your skin tone, and this shade has to look natural on you.

For example, i have a tanned skin, so it would be better for me to go with a bit darker shade of brown to make my eye look natural , maybe like this one:

I believe that this colour for my skin tone also fits for darker tones, and it would make them look extremely pretty <3

But if you have a lighter skin, maybe you should go a bit lighter with your make up, because if you choose the chocolate or darker or sandy brown, maybe it would look like a night out smokey eye, which would be way too harsh for an everyday look.

Maybe something like this with long, curled eye lashes will work :

I am absolutely in love with long lashes, and they make your look step up to a whole new level!

DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE AND GO FOR REALLY BOLD COLOURS IN THE MORNING!! I'm pretty sure that your co-workers will be tired of looking at your face!! and it would be pretty disturbing ..

So remember, do not do this!!

Moving into the perfect blush for your everyday look, I think it's hard to tell you one specific colour for all skin tones, because each skin tone looks better with different blushers. However, i believe that NARS orgasm is a very good blush colour that fits almost all skin tones:

I love this pink colour, it's so girlie, and makes your face look woken up after a long sleep!

I think that alot of girls make a very wrong decision when it comes to lipstick and gloss, i think that an everyday look should apear as natural as it could be, so your lips should be semi nude, natural colour, maybe light pink. I have previously talked about the marks & spencer natural lip stick, i carry it around everywhere and i use it for school every single morning. It really works!!

The one problem is, you just need to find the perfect nude colour for your skin tone

when it comes to lip gloss, i think you should apply a little, even though im a huge fan of lip gloss, but you shouldnt put way too much in the morning, it would look irritating too!!

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