Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

Easy Walnut Face Exfoliant Recipe

Over the weekend I made a wonderful face exfoliant using only two ingredients, walnuts and oat milk. It was so easy and the nutty mixture felt utterly (and nutterly) amazing on the skin.

I would never have thought about using ground walnuts on my face (who does really?) but when I spotted an out-of-date bag of organic walnuts in my kitchen cupboard, I was reluctant to toss it away and waste them. I remembered reading once that ground walnuts could be used to whiten teeth so I thought it was worth googling other beauty recipes that used walnuts.
Sure enough, one recipe sprung up and it suggested adding a splash of milk to the ground nuts. I used organic oat milk which made the mixture feel extra soft and creamy on the skin.

To make the mixture, just blend the walnuts in a food processor or blender and store them in a recycled glass jar. You can then scoop out a handful when you need some and add a fresh splash of milk each time. I'm going to keep using this lovely walnut exfoliant twice a week as it cleanses the face gently yet effectively and my skin felt sparkly and taught afterwards. I love how amazing and inexpensive this homemade recipe is. I'll take it any day over the costly, conventional beauty exfoliants that contain a plethora of harsh ingredients. Viva la walnut!

walnut image credit:
oat milk image credit: flikr (sweet beet and green bean)

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