Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Raw Fairies' Raw Chocolate Mousse Cake

Thanks to chef Anya Ladra and the team at Raw Fairies, we have their most popular dessert recipe to share with you. Enjoy!

Raw Fairies' Raw Chocolate Mousse Cake

Dates provide the natural sweetness in this cake. They are the oldest fruit, with the highest concentration of fruit sugars. It also contains avocado and coconut butter, both of which are full of good fats.


2 cups almonds, soaked for 6 hours or overnight
6 soft dates
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons maple syrup (note that strictly this is not raw)
Pinch of salt (Himalayan pink salt or fine sea salt if possible)

Drain and rinse the almonds. Place all ingredients in a food processor and chop into a fine meal. The mixture should be crumbly and sticky. If it is too dry, add a few tablespoons of filtered or mineral water. Press the dough into the sides and the bottom of a loose bottom cake tin.


1 ¼ cup soft dates
3 ripe avocados
1 tablespoon agave nectar
1 tablespoon coconut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 rounded tablespoons raw cacao powder
¾ cup raw carob powder

Blend the dates, vanilla extract, coconut butter and agave into a smooth paste. Scoop the avocados into the food processor with the dates and blend until smooth. Add the carob and cacao powder. Spread the mousse over the crust.


1 cup cashews, soaked for at least 30 minutes
6 soft dates
1 tablespoon agave nectar
1 tablespoon coconut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a food processor, blend all the ingredients until well combined and creamy, adding more water as needed. Spread on top of the mousse. Decorate the cake with fresh berries – goji berries are excellent for colour. Refrigerate for a few hours at least, or overnight.

My friends and I tried this cake at Christmas and were all stunned that it was not laden with cream and calories because it tasted so positively sinful. All ingredients are rather holy though and contain no wheat, gluten, soya or processed sugar.

Raw Fairies is the UK’s first raw food delivery service and they are showing Londoners that raw and vegan food can be innovative and immensely tasty (and comes with extra perks such as increased energy, weight loss and clearer skin).

I don’t know how Raw Fairies manage to create such inventive menus but one perusal of their menu plans online and I am seriously considering crossing over to the ‘raw side’. Meals include Almond Avocado Burgers with ginger and raisin chutney or Courgette Spaghetti with red pepper walnut bolognese. And then there are the divine drinks such as Creamy Pecan Milkshakes or Green Smoothies with raw cacao and spirulina.

Visit Raw Fairies' website to learn more about their raw food delivery service.

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