Senin, 03 Desember 2007

Elliott Puckette and Hugo Guinness

I would be immensely thankful if someone gave me a painting by Elliott Puckette or Hugo Guinness for Christmas. I think either would make an excellent gift but since I don't see that actually happening this year, I thought the least I could do is write about them.

First, Ms. Puckette is Southern, adheres to a strict schedule everyday and creates the most beautiful abstract paintings using gesso and washes of colored inks, on which she scores elaborate flowing lines using a razor blade. There is something poetic and lyrical about her work. It's at the same time calming but yet full of movement. I love her paintings and many other people do too. She has had a sellout show at Paul Kasmin Gallery and her work keeps popping up in magazines as seen below.

Her husband Hugo Guinness on the other hand is British, from the famous family of brewers, paints when the mood strikes and creates whimsical lino cut prints that can be found exclusively at John Derian. The dogs are my favorites and even though the prices have risen in the last few years, they still make the perfect gift and also come in vintage frames.

Even though their artist styles are different they somehow compliment each other and look great together in their home in Brooklyn which you can check out in the new Vogue Living: Houses, Gardens, People book. Not quite as fun as finding a painting under the tree but we can all dream. Isn't that what holiday wish lists are all about?

Josie Natori's Apartment from Elle Decor October 2007

Mark Cunningham's home from Elle Decor May 2007

Lucy and James Danzinger home from May 2007 Domino

Pen and Ink Drawing from Domino September 2006

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